Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ThE GodHeAd :) :) :)

Hello everyone! I knew I wanted to write in my blog today and I returned to my computer with intentions to release my inner thoughts to the public, so to set the mood I listened to 'Find you on my knees' by Kari Jobe. I love that song! As I listened my heart was filled with the spirit of God, whom I speak for today.  <3   
   At church last week as the quiet hum of the small portable heater filled the room with warmth and peace, one of our leaders headed to the front of the room with a look of 'I hope this goes well, spirit please guide me.' prayer on her facial expression. She smiled a very friendly happy smile as she introduced her lesson to us. She explained that this was the lesson Heavenly Father wanted us to hear.
   I saw the image on the board. A little angle stick figure on the top of a triangle and two more on the vertexes. I quickly recognized the three figures. The one on the top was Heavenly Father, the one on the left corner was Jesus Christ and the one on the right corner was the Holy Ghost. By having this information in the back of my mind, I then knew with a prompting that it was the Godhead.
    She then continued to teach as she asked, "Who knows the first article of faith by heart?" When everyone raised there hands in a silent rush she then said, "Let's say it together." Then she counted to three. Leaning forward in my seat I joined in to the wonderful true words I was saying. 
         "We believe in God the Eternal Father and in his son, Jesus Christ and in The Holy Ghost."

                               I remember reading the scripture Matt 3:16-17  it says, "16 And Jesus when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."
  I have always known that this story was true since I was young like those girls in the video, but when I read that verse aloud, I really felt the trueness of The Godhead. I know that there is a Eternal Father and there is Jesus Christ who is his son and that there is a Holy Ghost who helps us daily by the will of the Lord. I know that they are three separate beings to the bottom of my heart. I know that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and blood just like he has given us. I cannot under any circumstance deny, that I have felt the power of God and influence of Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost. I CANNOT DENY.
        Remember that he is with you and that no matter what mistakes you've made or thoughts you've thought, he loves you and will forgive you, if you just ask. "Ask and ye shall receive." You can receive help and guidance from God and Jesus Christ through the promptings of the Holt Ghost.
   Don't forget who you are and how much love is offered to you. He loves you and I send you my prayers. Thanks for reading my friends. :)