Sunday, April 5, 2015


Hello Everyone! It's been a while but I felt very impressed to write on this special occasion. EASTER! Candy! Egg's! Bunnies! Food coloring! All things we think of when he hear the word, "Easter." And there is no wrong in those. But, something so miraculous happened during Easter time that some (not all!) forget about.
          Christ died for me and you and everyone. He knows every single ounce of pain you have felt are feeling and will feel. Plus he made it possible for everyone to be able to return to heaven. All night long in gethsemane suffering, bleeding, struggling emotionally and more, for you, and I. EVERY PAIN. I'm sure by now your thinking, 'Yes. I get it! Every pain! You don't have to capitalize it!!' But I have to mention it a lot or else I'll start to forget. I'll start to shrug it off.
       I get really bad stomach pains at night and it scares me a lot. I have anxiety and fear of waking up at 2 am and vomiting due to past experiences. I remember one particular night I was hurting so bad and I wanted to ask my mom what to do, but I felt embarrassed because I'm at the age where I shouldn't 'go tell mommy' when I wake up in the middle of the night with tummy issues. I remember feeling scared, alone, and the pain seemed unbearable. I prayed my heart out, asking that the pain would vanish and I may have pleaded my heart out to God begging him to not let me throw up. It seemed like forever but I eventually fell back asleep and woke up for seminary and continued on with my day. But my experience helped me realize that what Christ did was so focused on love. Think of the worst pain you ever felt in your whole life, whether emotional or physical. Now, would you be willing to go through that same pain again for a boy who teases you or your child at school? I know it would be very hard for me.
      I remember this one boy when I was in third grade that really tested my strength in the gospel because I wanted to just punch him. I remember the exact things going through my mind when I was trying not to cry on the playground in front of my friends. Then fast-forward to sixth grade, ugh. This same boy, I felt was trying to ruin my entire life. He said something that not only embarrassed me but aroused many questions in my mind that I still struggle with and probably always will. He was with all his friends which one at the time I thought was cute and I was with all of my friends, and it happened to be that one of my friends was very blunt... yeah bad combo. I seriously wanted to melt and disappear.
    I later learned that, that boy had been through way worse things then I did. I didn't know at the time and I wished I had because then I would've understood a wee bit more.
    I have to remember Christ loves him as much as he loves me. That can be hard to understand but Christ's love is perfect in ways that don't even exist on this earth.
      Many of you, members, know that this weekend was the 185th annual General Conference. Lot's of messages from the quorum of the twelve apostles and of the seventy and the first Presidency broadcasted to all the world. It's so wonderful that we have the technology to hear, read, or watch these amazing messages anywhere and anytime. The stories they share are beautiful and touch your heart in a special way. Many of them mentioned the Easter holiday and shared their testimonies about how much Christ loves us.
              EVERY PAIN. Just for us. if you imagine one more thing with me, Every single pain you have felt in your life to now. Emotionally and physically, I can't even count mine. Now think of all the pain at once. ALL emotional and ALL physical pain in your entire life. Now imagine EVERY HUMAN BEING!!!!!! I can't! I don't know how he did it. Someday I'm going to ask him. But for now, we just have to have faith and NEVER EVER FORGET HOW MUCH CHRIST LOVES YOU! And because of him we can be forgiven and return to heaven.
  So the next time that boy teases you or your child or the next time you think about a loved one that shouldn't be gone, remember, Christ felt that and he knows. We often don't want to talk to someone about our problems because they seem perfect or wouldn't understand. Well I testify to you with every ounce of my being that you can ALWAYS pray just to 'chat' because Christ is the one who understands ALL things. From failing a test to dropping your pencil when the teacher asks you a question. Little and big, HE GETS IT. So don't be afraid to talk to him. I leave my testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior, and redeemer, Amen.