Saturday, January 2, 2016

NeW YeAr, NeW beGinNinGs!!

                               Hello! Merry late Christmas and Happy late new year!
   I'm sure with the holidays and everything lately, that you have been super busy. I hope you took some time to think of Christ, and to come up with some new years resolutions.
Image result for 2016 
This last year was the first time I actually had a pay check come in every week so that my gymnastics bill could be taken out of my own account. Needless to say, it is the first year that I have paid more then 5 dollars to tithing for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I'll admit, it was hard to pay tithing! After counting, adding and recounting, I realized that was money that I could use. Money my parents could use. My sisters, brothers, our whole family could use. I found that it was hard to seal the envelope. Like some sort of power was saying, "That's you're money, why are you giving it away?" I knew I was doing the right thing by turning in 10% of my earnings, but I didn't really like it.
I thought, 'God doesn't need my money. The hard working people at stores need to get paid right? Surely I'd make Heavenly Father happy by giving it to those people...' but that isn't the point. I knew that this was very real for me, but simply a representation to Christ.
It represented the fact that I could be willing to risk something important to me, for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. But I only gave 10%. Christ and Heavenly Father gave 100% ALL the time, and still do. But not money of course. They gave us, and are offering something to us that is WAY more valuable then money
Suddenly, it was a lot easier to seal the envelope and put it in my bag. That was never my money.
This year I'm doing a money jar! The first day of the year you put a penny. Second day,  you put in two pennies, and on and on! Also, I'm doing a money album. Every $5 bill that comes into your possession, put in a photo album. If you have to take one out, you must replace it with a one dollar bill.
Well, I don't want to bore you. I hope you have a fantastic 2016! Make this the year that you come close to Christ!  Yes YOU!! Make this the year that you look back on and say, "Yeah, that was the year I changed my life for the better." It is NEVER too late. :)