Saturday, August 30, 2014

Individual worth

  Today I realized, okay that's cheesy. I guess I was thinking about what to write in my blog today and I thought of the Young Women values of the church. (For non members, the values are some very special words or phrases we learn about. soon after leaning we all strive for these things. Praying a little harder searching a little better for answers) Any way, the value that really stood out to me was individual worth. Knowing about this value is super important. I am really petite and sometimes I struggle with body image especially since I have entered my teen years. But knowing that Heavenly Father loves me so much and wants me to know for myself that I am just exactly how I'm supposed to be, as long as I continue to follow in his footsteps. And try to be the best I can.
              For some, it would seem nice to be petite. I also get that sometimes. "Oh I wish I was small like you." I would just smile. My older sister and I and our parents, went out for lunch on her 18th birthday. We ate and it was nice . Then when the waiter handed our parents a bill they handed me a sucker. Then she reached into her pocket, grabbing a second one and handed it to my 18 year old sister. Right then she stopped talking and froze when the waiter walked away. She smiled and shook her head and we all begun to laugh. I don't mind being short as much as the "I bet I can guess your age" game at grocery stores.
                 On time I was with my older sister and her two kids. We were in the car and both of her kids were asleep. I was almost 10 at the time. She really needed to go to the bathroom and we were about an hour from her house and our mom was not home so her house was locked. Therefore, we decided to go to a store. She parked outside the Safeway and said, "I'll be right back." After I could no longer see her a car pulled in next to her car. The lady got out and was talking to her husband. Then she gasped as she saw the two kiddos in the back and me in the front. I was very capable of babysitting but she didn't know because the next thing I knew she was calling  the police. I remember sitting there awkwardly stering as she peered in describing the ages of the kids. She said an infant, (Correct) and an 4 year old (correct) And then she said, "And in the front seat the oldest looks about 5 or 6." ABSALOUTLY WRONG!! I was two months away from 10!  Anyway she was still on the phone when my older sister came back out of the store. The lady started yelling at my sister saying, "I'm on the phone with the police!" And my poor sister had to explain the fact that she just needed to use the bathroom. So the next time you wish to be petite, think about letting your seven year old nice (Going into 2st grade) wear the shirt you wore yesterday.
                          Anyway the thought and hope Heavenly Father gives us is so special and I hope everyone in the universe gets a chance to know what they value.
                         CURIOUS?? PROVERBS 31

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