Saturday, February 7, 2015

He is here, JusT OpEn YoUr EyeS.

Hello everyone! Hope everything is going well for you. I have had many things happen since I last wrote and one thing I felt like I needed to share was on this last Wednesday. For mutual, or youth group, we watched a movie called "The Testaments." What a great movie. It reminded me that Jesus Christ really is there, we just can't see him.
     As I watched and my heart was filled with happiness and my eyes wetted I knew he was in the room with us. There is one part in the movie where Helamen went blind just before Christ visited the people, and Helamen's son who could see  Christ was telling him, he is really here and he is amazing he is everything that Helamen had imagined. And then Christ walks over and heals his eyes and Helamen see's Christ for the first time.
            As I watched and thought about the love he offers us and then I realized that we are like the blind man and the son was like the Holy ghost and then there was Christ. We can't see him, and we can't see the holy ghost but if we keep the commandments and stay in such a way where we can hear and feel the holy Ghost then he can tell us and bear record unto us how beautiful and amazing Jesus Christ is.
             The other day as I was kind of feeling down about something. I had to tell myself that this is only a short time. Earth is a dot on a string that stretches to infinity one way and infinity the other. I looked down at my hands as I type and I realize how amazing our bodies are. God gave us these bodies because we wanted them just like him. If you're on earth right now, which if your reading this the yes you're on earth that means in heaven YOU chose to come to earth. YOU chose to have the trials that you have. If you told God for example, "I want three kids," Then he'd say "Okay, but it's going to take you two husbands and one kid will be ill, is that okay?" And we'd either except or we wouldn't. Everything happening in our lives we excepted!! Here is the trailer for the movie. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!
remember nothing that has happened, or is happening is God's fault. You and I asked for everything and God told us what was going to happen, and we agreed. I testify to you that God is here, He is here and all you have to do is live in such a way ( no matter what else is happening) and you will be able to be guided down that path to Jesus Christ. And YOUR eyes will be opened and you will se God's face. I know this to be true, Please take time to think about it :)

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