Friday, December 19, 2014

ThE GiFt oF ChRisTmaS!!

Hello! It's been a while since I last wrote. I apologize for that. Sorry!
Over thanksgiving I traveled to Utah to visit family. We got the opportunity to go to the temple for the lighting ceremony. As the cold weather chilled me from around my coat the hairs on my neck stood, but I felt a warm sensation inside as if shocked by electricity from the inside out. With each step closer to the temple, Each step closer to God's house.
  I didn't realize how important I was to my Heavenly Father alone until I realized that whether my family was there or not, I wanted to go to the Temple. I felt very close, like I was being drawn to the temple like a magnet, and no matter how chaotic is was staying with your family through the crowds, when you look up, you don't even notice. This is what I am going to relate to the Christmas season. Everyone is bustling and trying to get the best presents  for best prices and making sure everyone gets a fair amount and all the stress it causes parents...  LISTEN TO YOURSELF! Christmas is not about worldly gifts at all. Christmas is about Jesus Christ. He came into this world to die for you. He came to suffer so you can be forgiven and return to God in Heaven. Please watch this video:
 This year I challenge you to remember that you don't have to buy the biggest presents in the store, or the exact thing your child wants, because the greatest gift ever, was given to all of us already. And if you really want best parent award, you'd teach your children that. It's a very important for your children to grow up knowing the true meaning of Christmas, to really understand , Jesus Christ and God's love for all of us.
                               Merry Christmas!

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