Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It mAy bE HaRd..

  So Today was the first day of school for many and if I still went to public school, I'd be my first day. Anyway, I went to lunch to visit some of my friends. It was weird. I looked around and the only thing that was the same, was the building, for the most part. Everyone is so different. Standards of some people I used to share a class with have simply vanished as if they were never there. Some girls wearing things I couldn't believe were allowed but they were never taught that that was wrong. I felt very out of place. I see now why people fall away from the church or disobey there standards and it saddens me. It felt like right when I walked into the school the Holy Ghost left my side. I felt so different even though I hadn't even changed. I just couldn't imagine where I'd be if I still went to that school. I feel bad for those girls who are trying to attract the wrong people and I wish I could change it but for the first time I felt like I had no voice. It hit me how people really have a huge impact on how you think, act, dress, everything!
            Those girls or boys who are Mormon and go to school, if you feel this way I want you to know, that fitting in is one of the hardest things. You just have to make sure your trying to fit in to the right crowd. I pray for you. I don't want anyone to have to feel that hollow empty feeling I had without the Holy Ghost next to me. And I'm so much more grateful for the Holy Ghost now that I had that experience. Just know that he is always there but it's easier to feel and hear him when your in the right place. But I want you to know your so much stronger than I ever realized. In order to be confident or even happy in an environment like that, you have to be very strong. You ARE very strong. I don't want to go back to school there ever again. It was a horrid feeling. You are so amazing to even go to a place like that and stay true to your standards and CTR (Choose The Right). I look up to you now. That's a talent all in its own.
                                  For you Adults, work may feel this way too. You may think your being too dramatic or sensitive or whatever but I want you to realize even if it's nothing huge its all part of the test. And without the test there wouldn't be a plan. Without the plan we couldn't get a body and live with our families forever. Even though it may seem childish, you can still be an example by just saying, "Please don't speak that way about people, I don't like it." Now I totally understand if its your boss or something it could be way more scary. But just remember no job is worth getting bad ungodly habits that keep you from the temple or even Heaven.
                                 To everyone: Don't be afraid to stand alone. Because, your not. :)                                                                          -K

1 comment:

  1. You are own amazing young lady. You truly inspire me to be better. Keep it up.
