Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TesTiMOnY TuEsdAY!! :)

     Hey guys! TESTIMONY TUESDAY!! First of all sorry I didn't blog yesterday it was one of those CrAzY days :) But in a good way. I started the day going to Seminary for the first time. When you're there you forget about how early it is and just focus on the important things, I like it a lot.
                  I also did my school work which is new for me. I have a math class of course, Physical Science, High school Music, writing composition and writing literature and some others too. Including my favorite, Spanish class. Whenever I do that class I am reminded of how God made the different languages. And how no matter what language we speak, or what we look like, God understands and loves us with his perfect love. Makes you smile don't it? :)
                   So after school work I got to go babysit my niece and nephew for a little while. They are so innocent and pure I love being around them. My niece is 3 and she is the cutest little firecracker you'd ever see. She is so beautiful and sweet. She doesn't try to act up. She loves singing primary songs and she's not even old enough for primary yet. She sings almost all verses of 'I am a child of God" all the time and I never really thought about it but not only can she sing the verses word for word she also knows the lyrics. Yes there's a difference. She knows she is a child of God. She knows that we go to church to learn about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. And that makes me smile. My little nephew is hardly little. He is 7 months and he wears 12 month clothes. You look at his gummy grin and drooly chin and he lights up your heart and makes your whole day. He has a mind of his own and he really studies people's faces almost as if he recognizes them. He is a rolly scooty guy when you put him on the floor not crawling quite yet. But in the walker he walks around like nobody's business.
                          After babysitting I went to gymnastics early. I got a chance to see the optional girls' new leotard for competition. My coach told me that if I work super hard then I might be able to wear one and be an optional. How cool is that? That's one of the MANY reasons I love gymnastics is, you always have something to look forward too. Always a goal. And some may go by really slow but it makes it that much better when you finally get what your aiming for. I got my handstand on bars yesterday and I felt like up there, upside down, griping the bar tightly through your grips and the chalk flying, that I was right where I belonged. That moment I felt as if I was definitely doing what my body is made for. I started gymnastics for a reason.
                              Okay okay back on earth now!! woo. So today there's not been a whole lot happening because I haven't gone to gym yet. Oh and it's only about 8:30am. I didn't feel very good when  I woke, this am. Still kind of gurgaly tummy. I hope and pray it goes away. I hope and pray also for you. On this Testimony Tuesday I'd like to share about the wonderful abilities God gave us. He helped us become who we are by giving us talent. You may be a singer, artist, or a dancer, or a softball/baseball player. Maybe hockey or football, or a musician, sew, cook, whatever you do, you do for a reason. If you frown upon all of those things, and your not really sure what your talents are, ask yourself, am I trying to see or find my talent? Am I working to improve it? I testify to you that you have a talent, It's just a matter of finding it. Please remember that God is always there for you even at school or at your home. He will even here your prayers if your in a grocery store.  And don't be afraid to pray or ask him any questions you have, whether about you talents or about something completely different.

                     Your talents can be used for many things I encourage you to use them to do good deeds, and to show your love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and they will bless you. :)

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