Sunday, September 21, 2014

ArE yOu WiLLinG tO bE a WiSe mAn (or WoMeN)??

 Hello guys Happy Sunday!!! So I know it's not Christmas time but the wise men really stand out to me right now. So you know the Christmas story is right? The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus birthday. Mary and Joseph had traveled a long time with Mary on the donkey. They got kicked out or rejected by inn owners at everyone they tried until one man said they could stay in his stable. Then the shepherd saw the angle and the angle told him to go and seek for baby Jesus had been born so the shepherd did. The wise men saw the star and followed it. Did you know that it took the wise men around 3 years to actually get to baby Jesus? I want to compare us to the wise men.
               So here we are on earth and maybe something in our life happened and we have a chance to go to church or seek the light of Christ. Say we choose the right path. We follow in faith, the wise men didn't see God on there journey, the just knew that the light was special. So we followed the light though our entire lives and we finally made it. To Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.  That's just what the wise men did. They followed, sacrificing 3 years of there live to offer up there gifts to Jesus. So are you willing to choose the right path? Sacrifice immodest clothes, bad movies or thoughts, anything pornography, would you give those up and offer yourself give God all you have to live with him again? If you are not nodding or pondering a "yes" let me tell you this. So say we didn't follow the right path. Say that you didn't give up bed things and didn't give your thoughts to God. (Meaning think about him with every choice or decision). Well you will simply not end up with God and Jesus Christ. I'm not saying that if your not exactly like me or Jesus you won't go to the Celestial kingdom, because I'm not perfect, but if you do seek the truth and follow/keep the commandments, you will definitely be on the right track, now maybe you slip up a couple times on your journey where you say a bad word or go immodest to a party, that's the beauty of the atonement. Repentance. But you can't just do it over and over again and repent because that wouldn't get you anywhere, repentance is when you ask for forgiveness and then TRY your very BEST to not EVER do it again.
           I testify to you that through God we can be made perfect if we follow his ways. Search for the Gospel my friends, Walk in faith, give yourself to him, and go back home again. I promise if you do this you will find great joy and happiness. God loves you all and hopes that you will return to him.
I chose this video so that you can really think, are you willing to put God first? I pray for you that you will know the true answer. Today is Sunday, would you go to church today? I hope and pray that you will decide to come to God. He is worth it my friends. CTR!!

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